Intravenous Drip Therapy

IV drips specifically formulated to quickly and effectively combat side effects of common problems such as dehydration, brain fog, lack of sleep and more. Injections can be combined to supplement essential vitamins and nutrients, including those that are and are not naturally produced by the body.

Give us a call today to schedule an appointment: (562) 251- 6900

What is IV Hydration Nutritional Therapy?

Intravenous Nutritional Therapy is commonly used for its wide range of health benefits which include but are not limited to anti-aging, improved immunity, dehydration cures, treating acute migraines and many more.

Although some may believe that nutrient deficiencies are not common, there are still individuals who are not getting essential vitamins and minerals needed to allow our bodies to perform optimally.

Because IV hydration treatment is administered directly into the veins, the results may be faster and more effective than those of oral supplements.

These treatments can be customized to accomodate the specific and unique needs of each individual patient.

IV Fluids

Feeling dehydrated? Have you not been eating well or are you working hard outside in the heat? You can come to our clinic and get a one-liter bag of IV fluids that are composed of similar ingredients as normal human blood plasma. This will relieve dehydration symptoms within minutes such as fatigue, nausea, light-headedness, unclear thinking and rapid heart rate.

Our physicians can customize the ingredients of your IV bag with the additional nutrients your body needs.

Meyer's Cocktail

The “Gold Standard” for delivering intravenous vitamins and minerals directly to your bloodstream is called a Meyer's Cocktail, containing purified water, vitamin C, B complex, Zinc and vitamin B12. It is designed to strengthen the immunse system, renew energy, fight infection and restore energy.

Vitamin B Complex

The Vitamin B complex is essential for a wide variety of functions in the human body. It consists of vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid) and B6 (pyridoxine). It assists in DNA synthesis, general repair and maintenance of phospholipids (fatty acids) necessary for healthy skin, muscles, brain and nerve functions.



May slow cognitive decline, promote healthy brain function, increase energy, boost metabolism, regenerate cells, slow aging and reduce inflammation.


Boosts your immune system while increasing energy levels and concentration, improves metabolism and helps with weight loss.
Available in Single dose and Three doses


Meyer’s Cocktail is designed to help alleviate chronic symptoms, including pain, asthma, migraines and more.

Available in 500 ml and 250 ml


Glutathione is composed of three amino acids combined to produce a combination that is both a powerful antioxidant and performs several critical roles in the body. It helps improve appearance (skin, hair, nails), improves sleep, reduces oxidative stress, detoxifies harmful substances from the body, increases immune system, reduces body fat, helps improve brain & heart function and reduces the impact of uncontrolled diabetes and much more.


A combination of B12 vitamins and three individual compounds (methionine, inositol and choline) to regulate hormones and insulin levels. Together they provide fat filtering compounds and decrease hunger.

Available in Single dose and Four doses

15717 Paramount Boulevard, Paramount, CA 90723

Aceptamos Medicare, Medicaid y muchos otros programas de seguros.

© 2025 Para Latino Medical Center All Rights Reserved.

Senior & Adult Care: (562) 251-6900

Pregnancy OB/GYN: (562) 602-6565

Pediatrics/Children: (562) 531-2231

Family Medicine: (562) 531-2231

Dental Office: (562) 602-1200